Note to Reader: I thought this to be very interesting. I hope you get some religious knowledge off of this. Oh dont worry, you dont have to be Catholic to read this. This is brief an little information on this such topic. Whats quoted is from the article "Once upon a time, right at the Very Beginning of Things, there was a Battle in Heaven, and this is what happened:" as found at The Saint Michael Center.
"God had made Heaven and the Earth and all the Angels and all the extra important Angels, called Archangels. (Like an extra important Bishop is called an Archbishop.) The Archangels were God's very special friends and were Shining and Strong and Powerful. One Archangel was called Gabriel. He was the one that God sent to tell Our Blessed Lady that She was to become the Mother of God, the Mother of Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior. Another Angel was called Raphael; he was the one who helped Tobias in the Bible. Another Archangel was called Michael. Michael was "the Angel of the Lord", who was sent to Moses and Jacob and Abraham and to other people throughout the history of the world. Another Archangel was Lucifer, who was so beautiful that the other Angels called him the Son of the Morning.
Well, everybody was very happy because they were with God, and they all loved him, because he had made them so Strong and Shining and Lovely. Then one day Lucifer, Son of the Morning, said to himself: "Why should God be the most important person in Heaven? Why, shouldn't I be? I can fly and I can change into other things, and I am beautiful and I am powerful. In fact, I am just as Important as God, and I shan't do what He tells me ever again. I shall fight Him and have Heaven for mine!"
So, Lucifer went around Heaven, and he collected a lot of other Angels who also didn't want to be less Important than God, until he had a Great Army. Then they marched up to the Throne of God and said Proudly: "We are just as Important as You. Why should You be the King of Heaven any more than one of us? We are Strong and Proud and Beautiful, and we will fight You for the Kingdom of Heaven." God looked at them; then He said: "Lucifer, I thought that you were My friend, and I trusted you. Be sensible now, and think about what you are doing." "I have thought," said Lucifer, "and, I'd rather not be in Heaven at all than have You for my King, and so would all of us!" And behind him all the Rebel Angels shouted with a great shout: "We will follow Lucifer! Long live Lucifer! Let him reign over us in Heaven! WE DO NOT WANT GOD!" "Very well," said God, "if you don't want Me, you needn't have Me. But, if you want to fight for Heaven, you can if you think it will be any good." Then, God called Michael the Archangel, and made him gather together a Mighty Army of Angels who were on God's side.
Then there was a Great Battle in Heaven--Michael and his Angels fighting with Lucifer; and, Lucifer fought, and his Angels fought; but, they did NOT win. And Michael drove Lucifer right out of Heaven, and he fell down, and down, and down to hell; and, all his bad angels were driven down after him, and as the last one disappeared from sight forever and the Gate of Heaven clanged shut, a great Shout went up from Michael's Army: "Heaven has Won! Rejoice and be glad all you Angels! The Good God Always Wins!"
So, now you know why we sometimes say in our prayers, "Holy St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in the Day of Battle," because he is so good at battles.
But, what happened to Lucifer and his Rebel Angels? Well, he was so furious and enraged at having lost his Battle with God that he has never gotten over it. You see, he is never allowed inside Heaven anymore forever and ever and ever; and, now that he can't go into Heaven anymore, he is angry about it. So, in Revenge, he does everything horrible to God that he can. His worst feeling is Jealousy; whom do you suppose he is jealous of? Us! Why? Because when Our Lord Jesus was Crucified, He opened the Kingdom of Heaven for us to go in! So Lucifer, whose other name is Satan, or the Devil, is furious because we Ordinary People are allowed into Heaven, and he, an Archangel, is not. So, he and his angels (or demons) try always and always to stop us going into Heaven by giving us bad Ideas, and making us do things that we know are wrong, so as to hurt God. So, whenever you want to do or say something horrid, think of the Great Battle in Heaven and remember that it is Lucifer trying to keep you on his side. If you don't do or say it, you have won and have stayed on God's side.
St. Michael's Special Day is September 29th; it is the Feast of St. Michael, St. Gabriel and St. Raphael, and of All Angels, because of all the Angels who helped him win the Battle with Lucifer."
Friday, December 15, 2006
Thursday, December 07, 2006
12-year-old gets a bad unwrap
Note To Readers:Take this as a lesson to not open your presents early--the cops will get you otherwise.
Mom has son arrested for allegedly playing with present before Christmas
COLUMBIA, S.C. - A fed-up mother had her 12-year-old son arrested for allegedly rummaging through his great-grandmother's things and playing with his Christmas present early.
The mother called police Sunday after learning her son had disobeyed orders and repeatedly taken a Game Boy from its hiding place at his great-grandmother's house next door and played it. He was arrested on petty larceny charges, taken to the police station in handcuffs and held until his mother picked him up after church.
"My grandmother went out of her way to lay away a toy and paid on this thing for months," said the boy's mother, Brandi Ervin. "It was only to teach my son a lesson. He's been going through life doing things ... and getting away with it."
Police did not release the boy's name.
The mother said that her son was found in the last year to have attention deficit hyperactivity disorder but that his medicine does not seem to help.
She said he faces an expulsion hearing at his school Wednesday. Rock Hill Police Capt. Mark Bollinger said the boy took a swing at a police officer assigned to the school last month. He has been suspended from school since then.
The boy's case will be presented to Department of Juvenile Justice officials in York County, who will decide what happens to him, Bollinger said. His mother hopes he can attend a program that will finally scare him straight.
"It's not even about the Christmas present," she said. "I only want positive things out of it. ... There's no need for him to act this way. I'd rather call myself than someone else call for him doing something worse than this."
---From The Associated Press
Mom has son arrested for allegedly playing with present before Christmas
COLUMBIA, S.C. - A fed-up mother had her 12-year-old son arrested for allegedly rummaging through his great-grandmother's things and playing with his Christmas present early.
The mother called police Sunday after learning her son had disobeyed orders and repeatedly taken a Game Boy from its hiding place at his great-grandmother's house next door and played it. He was arrested on petty larceny charges, taken to the police station in handcuffs and held until his mother picked him up after church.
"My grandmother went out of her way to lay away a toy and paid on this thing for months," said the boy's mother, Brandi Ervin. "It was only to teach my son a lesson. He's been going through life doing things ... and getting away with it."
Police did not release the boy's name.
The mother said that her son was found in the last year to have attention deficit hyperactivity disorder but that his medicine does not seem to help.
She said he faces an expulsion hearing at his school Wednesday. Rock Hill Police Capt. Mark Bollinger said the boy took a swing at a police officer assigned to the school last month. He has been suspended from school since then.
The boy's case will be presented to Department of Juvenile Justice officials in York County, who will decide what happens to him, Bollinger said. His mother hopes he can attend a program that will finally scare him straight.
"It's not even about the Christmas present," she said. "I only want positive things out of it. ... There's no need for him to act this way. I'd rather call myself than someone else call for him doing something worse than this."
---From The Associated Press
Bingo habit blamed for grandma’s drug running
61-year-old faces up to 12 years in jail after 214 lbs. of pot found in her car
SIERRA VISTA, Ariz. - A grandmother found with a trunkful of marijuana was convicted of drug running in what prosecutors said was an attempt to earn cash for a bingo habit.
State troopers found 10 bundles of pot totaling 214 pounds hidden in Leticia Villareal Garcia’s car trunk last year when they stopped her outside Bisbee, in far southeastern Arizona.
Villareal, 61, told jurors before they convicted her Thursday that her only regular income was a $275 monthly welfare check, but she frequently played bingo and occasionally won thousands of dollars.
Prosecutor Doyle Johnstun said the game was Villareal’s undoing.
‘She’s got a bingo problem’
“People who play bingo almost every night of the week end up losing in the long run,” Johnstun told jurors. “The underlying issue is that she’s got a bingo problem, which explains why an otherwise nice person might get sucked into something like this.”
Jurors rejected Villareal’s argument that she’d been tricked into carrying the drugs.
Villareal faces three to 12 years in state prison when she is sentenced Dec. 18.
--From The Associated Press
SIERRA VISTA, Ariz. - A grandmother found with a trunkful of marijuana was convicted of drug running in what prosecutors said was an attempt to earn cash for a bingo habit.
State troopers found 10 bundles of pot totaling 214 pounds hidden in Leticia Villareal Garcia’s car trunk last year when they stopped her outside Bisbee, in far southeastern Arizona.
Villareal, 61, told jurors before they convicted her Thursday that her only regular income was a $275 monthly welfare check, but she frequently played bingo and occasionally won thousands of dollars.
Prosecutor Doyle Johnstun said the game was Villareal’s undoing.
‘She’s got a bingo problem’
“People who play bingo almost every night of the week end up losing in the long run,” Johnstun told jurors. “The underlying issue is that she’s got a bingo problem, which explains why an otherwise nice person might get sucked into something like this.”
Jurors rejected Villareal’s argument that she’d been tricked into carrying the drugs.
Villareal faces three to 12 years in state prison when she is sentenced Dec. 18.
--From The Associated Press
Monday, December 04, 2006
I just thought this site is interesting so check it out by clicking the title or click these words "Ghost Pics"
Monday, November 27, 2006
Wednesday, November 22, 2006
Polar Opposites
Polar opposites don't push away
It's the same on the weekends as the rest of the days
And I know I should go but I'll probably stay
And that's all you can do about some things
I'm trying to drink away the part of the day
That I cannot sleep away
Two one eyed dogs, they're looking at stereos
Hi-fi Gods try so hard to make their cars low to the ground
These vibrations oil its teeth
Primer gray is the color when you're done dying
I'm trying to drink away the part of the day
That I cannot sleep away
---Written by Modest Mouse
Monday, November 13, 2006
Women are like Peanut Butter
I have learned a lesson I thought I should share to all men out there.
Women are like peanut butter. Why?
Some are crunchy, smooth or in between.
Some come in small, medium or large sizes.
Some guys dont like peanut butter.
Some types of peanut butter spread easy, some dont.
Some are only good with toast.
Peanut butter never slides off, but it can make a big mess.
Sometimes it never leaves by sticking to the roof of your mouth.
Peanut butter can loads of enterainment.
One thing that will always be clear, is that peanut butter will always go wellwith Jelly.
Monday, November 06, 2006
You want to know what I think is the most unappreciated job? Makers of Tombstones(not the pizza). No one dares even try to figure out who made them. So in a short search of who they are, here is a link to a website that helps: Fewell Monuments Company I hope you enjoy this.
Tuesday, October 24, 2006
The peace in your war
The soldiers come running
The guns are being shot
And the body count is rising
The screams are getting louder
The slayers are getting prouder
For so it may seem there is this war
For which my mind it does bore
There she comes to hold your hand and say hi
She brings peace in a lifetime of war
Save your soul for someone who cares
In a lifetime of war only true love does dare
For the one moment you can lay down the gun
And run to the person who calls you Hun
The places for which bare the dead bodies
Are for a moment covered in dollies
And for that moment of peace you forget the war
You forget the trouble and the hate that your mind held in store
And the composer plays the peaceful score
Hold her hand and walk away
From the mind you have today
In your lifetime of unrealistic warShe was the only one to bring you peace.
The guns are being shot
And the body count is rising
The screams are getting louder
The slayers are getting prouder
For so it may seem there is this war
For which my mind it does bore
There she comes to hold your hand and say hi
She brings peace in a lifetime of war
Save your soul for someone who cares
In a lifetime of war only true love does dare
For the one moment you can lay down the gun
And run to the person who calls you Hun
The places for which bare the dead bodies
Are for a moment covered in dollies
And for that moment of peace you forget the war
You forget the trouble and the hate that your mind held in store
And the composer plays the peaceful score
Hold her hand and walk away
From the mind you have today
In your lifetime of unrealistic warShe was the only one to bring you peace.
Cliff Falling
Falling off the cliff you can realize
Your mind is not in focus
Your senses are out of whack
Mother Father Maybe sister or brother
Your hands are pale
Your lips have gone purple
Each breath is a gasp for air
Life is short but yet feels so long
Your feet fly up
Your legs kick away the pain
Your arms try to grab the air
Dog Cat or maybe non of that
Grace your mind of all the times
Friends have called
Or played the fiddle
Fun is a three letter word always misinterpreted
Your tears evaporate along with all your previous hate
The chill of the air tickles your spine
For now you know it is your time
Come in wrinkly go out the same
Fall off the cliff
And regain your sane.
Your mind is not in focus
Your senses are out of whack
Mother Father Maybe sister or brother
Your hands are pale
Your lips have gone purple
Each breath is a gasp for air
Life is short but yet feels so long
Your feet fly up
Your legs kick away the pain
Your arms try to grab the air
Dog Cat or maybe non of that
Grace your mind of all the times
Friends have called
Or played the fiddle
Fun is a three letter word always misinterpreted
Your tears evaporate along with all your previous hate
The chill of the air tickles your spine
For now you know it is your time
Come in wrinkly go out the same
Fall off the cliff
And regain your sane.
Friday, October 06, 2006
My heart
Take the heart out
Beat it with a stick
Incase it in a jar
Do with it as you please
Just dont hold it in front of me
Dont allow me to see what it was I once had
I cant watch you as you squeeze out all the blood
Only tears will come
I try to hide the pain
I try to bear the suffering
As have others done before
But the only hatred I can chant
Is the curse that for which you have done to me
Be done to you everyday
I can only lie here on the floor
Asking myself, is this what Jesus felt?
But only I know the truth
Only tears will come.
Beat it with a stick
Incase it in a jar
Do with it as you please
Just dont hold it in front of me
Dont allow me to see what it was I once had
I cant watch you as you squeeze out all the blood
Only tears will come
I try to hide the pain
I try to bear the suffering
As have others done before
But the only hatred I can chant
Is the curse that for which you have done to me
Be done to you everyday
I can only lie here on the floor
Asking myself, is this what Jesus felt?
But only I know the truth
Only tears will come.
Monday, September 25, 2006
Mad World
All around me are familiar faces
Worn out places, worn out faces
Bright and early for their daily races
Going nowhere, going nowhere
And their tears are filling up their glasses
No expression, no expression
Hide my head I want to drown my sorrow
No tomorrow, no tomorrow
And I find it kind of funny
I find it kind of sad
The dreams in which I'm dying
Are the best I've ever had
I find it hard to tell you
'Cos I find it hard to take
When people run in circles
It's a very, very
Mad World
Children waiting for the day they feel good
Happy Birthday, Happy Birthday
Made to feel the way that every child should
Sit and listen, sit and listen
Went to school and I was very nervous
No one knew me, no one knew me
Hello teacher tell me what's my lesson
Look right through me, look right through me
(Song lyrics to "Mad World" by Tears for Fears' as heard on the 1983 album 'The Hurting')
Worn out places, worn out faces
Bright and early for their daily races
Going nowhere, going nowhere
And their tears are filling up their glasses
No expression, no expression
Hide my head I want to drown my sorrow
No tomorrow, no tomorrow
And I find it kind of funny
I find it kind of sad
The dreams in which I'm dying
Are the best I've ever had
I find it hard to tell you
'Cos I find it hard to take
When people run in circles
It's a very, very
Mad World
Children waiting for the day they feel good
Happy Birthday, Happy Birthday
Made to feel the way that every child should
Sit and listen, sit and listen
Went to school and I was very nervous
No one knew me, no one knew me
Hello teacher tell me what's my lesson
Look right through me, look right through me
(Song lyrics to "Mad World" by Tears for Fears' as heard on the 1983 album 'The Hurting')
Thursday, September 21, 2006
"Smiling" Act:Two-Bustin' My Balls For Bullshit
I walk towards Scat's vehicle. I open the car and reach for my smokes on top the dash. When things get hairy you never leave a sign that you were there. I light up in the rain. Bloodied Rockstar approaches me from behind. I turn around to see parts of his face still barely bleeding. He looks at me and says "Can I have one?" Without question I toss the pack over to him and say "Sure, you can even have two". He grabs a cig then tosses it back to me. I offer Scat a smoke, this time he accepts. You don't fuck with Obi Scat Cat. No one fucks with Obi Scat Cat and gets away it. Rockstar, looks at us then at the ground "What the hell is next then?". You have to go back to zero. All this time you were led the wrong way, the only thing you can do is go back if you want to make a clear choice. Scat says to us "I am not one to host or post this negativity, but the way it shapes the things around me is something I cannot watch nor will bare for it to happen. " I flick my cig and look at Scat then Rockstar. "We going or are we gonna sit here and get fucking diseases?" says Scat. We got in his car. For some odd reason I knew that even if we gotta go back to zero, that we actually accomplished something. Its news like that that makes me smile.
I said my usual greetings and did my routine to Rosa. We have this mutual understanding. I don't fuck with her, she don't fuck with me. If someone on this block goes and mess's this shit up I go gun ho on their ass. In trade she gives me a few tomatoes or vegetables along with some cash. Protection ain't cheap nor is losing in the county fair to some fucking prick who uses chemicals to enhance their crop. Her 'other crop' is my business. No one fucks this shit up. No one. I watch through the back of my eye as she weeds the plants. I say nothing but I smile a grizzly smile.
The two cats greet me at the door. Chucks there already with a smoke lit. He's sitting next to Scat. "Pull up a chair." Scat says while gesturing with his hand. I grab a chair and sit across from the two. Chuck says "We need to talk" . As soon as I sit down I start moving around in my chair. I couldn't get comfortable nor was it a comfortable situation.Chuck says to me in a sly voice, "Hey man whats goin on?" I respond while lighting up a cig, "As if you hadn't noticed, Rockstar isn't the problem." Chuck tilts back in his chair and Obi Scat Cat hangs his head. "If it ain't him then who is it?" I say. Chuck looks at me and gives me no answer and Scat can only look down. I ash my cig and head towards the door, just then Chuck stops me " Keep an eye out on Rockstar." I respond "I lost my one good eye before and I AIN'T losing my other." I look back at Scat. His look could freeze ice. He knew something wasn't right almost worse than it was before. Chuck looked at me and smiled a devious smile.
We gathered for what we hoped was a good poker meeting. Everyone was there in their usual spot. I look at my cards and I look back over at Scat. Chucks whispering in Scat's ear. Next thing you know I catch a glimpse of Chuck slipping scat some papers. After poker was over everyone started to leave. I was in my usual last place in the line. I lit up a smoke before I could press the door open. "You ain't fucking going nowhere." says Scat. "I ain't? Who the fuck says?" I respond. "Listen, we got ourselves a problem" said Scat. He slid the papers in front of me as I grab a chair on the table. "Some motherfucka named Ned Toys took those fucking pictures". They were pictures of Chuck and Limps makin' babies sorta speak. "Shit like this is gonna hit the press and bring a shame to our boy. This little fuck keeps following our boy just to see if he fucks up. Looks like he got one, but that ain't the point. He seems to be fishing for this shit to make big. We need him gone, and done before this hits the press...Oh and don't forget our little fuck is gonna be at the annual ball. So if you have nothing planned, theres your chance." I looked up at Scat and smiled. Finally I get to be let out again.
The ball. Its the annual get together of local thugs, corrupt and noncorrupt officials and rich bastards. Its one night where we all dress up and pretend to like each other. Everyone will be there. Rockstar has the stage that night.Ned Toys is this smooth as ice young kid who takes pictures of well known faces in bad places. You cant threaten this young punk because hes dumb enough to not buy it. In order to get rid of this problem he has to be rid of altogether. Thats where I come in. In order to make this go as planned, he cant be dead before the ball. I call up my Vids.
"Vids and Harry's Video and Harware Store, how can I help you?"
"Im looking for Vids"
"One moment, please hold as I transfer you over sir."
Vid and Harry's Video and Harware Store is a store owned by Vids. Awhile back before he got it, it was called Harry's Hardware. Vids got the place basically for free. He worked out a deal with Obi Scat Cat, vowing to keep the hardware for Scat's "needs" in exchange for the store. Besides they were buddies long before Scat was Scat.
"Hi this is-"
"Vids I need your help."
"What the fuck do you need?" he responds.
"I need some good hardware for the ball"
"What kind of hardware we looking at?"he says.
"I'll put it this way: Vehicle, man, silence. Ok?"
"Pick it up as soon as you need it will be ready. Just don't forget the fact you gotta bring em back so I can make it look good, you know what I'm saying?" Vids says softly.
"Good, I'll see ya around."
(to be continued)
I said my usual greetings and did my routine to Rosa. We have this mutual understanding. I don't fuck with her, she don't fuck with me. If someone on this block goes and mess's this shit up I go gun ho on their ass. In trade she gives me a few tomatoes or vegetables along with some cash. Protection ain't cheap nor is losing in the county fair to some fucking prick who uses chemicals to enhance their crop. Her 'other crop' is my business. No one fucks this shit up. No one. I watch through the back of my eye as she weeds the plants. I say nothing but I smile a grizzly smile.
The two cats greet me at the door. Chucks there already with a smoke lit. He's sitting next to Scat. "Pull up a chair." Scat says while gesturing with his hand. I grab a chair and sit across from the two. Chuck says "We need to talk" . As soon as I sit down I start moving around in my chair. I couldn't get comfortable nor was it a comfortable situation.Chuck says to me in a sly voice, "Hey man whats goin on?" I respond while lighting up a cig, "As if you hadn't noticed, Rockstar isn't the problem." Chuck tilts back in his chair and Obi Scat Cat hangs his head. "If it ain't him then who is it?" I say. Chuck looks at me and gives me no answer and Scat can only look down. I ash my cig and head towards the door, just then Chuck stops me " Keep an eye out on Rockstar." I respond "I lost my one good eye before and I AIN'T losing my other." I look back at Scat. His look could freeze ice. He knew something wasn't right almost worse than it was before. Chuck looked at me and smiled a devious smile.
We gathered for what we hoped was a good poker meeting. Everyone was there in their usual spot. I look at my cards and I look back over at Scat. Chucks whispering in Scat's ear. Next thing you know I catch a glimpse of Chuck slipping scat some papers. After poker was over everyone started to leave. I was in my usual last place in the line. I lit up a smoke before I could press the door open. "You ain't fucking going nowhere." says Scat. "I ain't? Who the fuck says?" I respond. "Listen, we got ourselves a problem" said Scat. He slid the papers in front of me as I grab a chair on the table. "Some motherfucka named Ned Toys took those fucking pictures". They were pictures of Chuck and Limps makin' babies sorta speak. "Shit like this is gonna hit the press and bring a shame to our boy. This little fuck keeps following our boy just to see if he fucks up. Looks like he got one, but that ain't the point. He seems to be fishing for this shit to make big. We need him gone, and done before this hits the press...Oh and don't forget our little fuck is gonna be at the annual ball. So if you have nothing planned, theres your chance." I looked up at Scat and smiled. Finally I get to be let out again.
The ball. Its the annual get together of local thugs, corrupt and noncorrupt officials and rich bastards. Its one night where we all dress up and pretend to like each other. Everyone will be there. Rockstar has the stage that night.Ned Toys is this smooth as ice young kid who takes pictures of well known faces in bad places. You cant threaten this young punk because hes dumb enough to not buy it. In order to get rid of this problem he has to be rid of altogether. Thats where I come in. In order to make this go as planned, he cant be dead before the ball. I call up my Vids.
"Vids and Harry's Video and Harware Store, how can I help you?"
"Im looking for Vids"
"One moment, please hold as I transfer you over sir."
Vid and Harry's Video and Harware Store is a store owned by Vids. Awhile back before he got it, it was called Harry's Hardware. Vids got the place basically for free. He worked out a deal with Obi Scat Cat, vowing to keep the hardware for Scat's "needs" in exchange for the store. Besides they were buddies long before Scat was Scat.
"Hi this is-"
"Vids I need your help."
"What the fuck do you need?" he responds.
"I need some good hardware for the ball"
"What kind of hardware we looking at?"he says.
"I'll put it this way: Vehicle, man, silence. Ok?"
"Pick it up as soon as you need it will be ready. Just don't forget the fact you gotta bring em back so I can make it look good, you know what I'm saying?" Vids says softly.
"Good, I'll see ya around."
(to be continued)
Monday, September 18, 2006
(I leave the rest of the post for you to fill in.
The rules are as followed: You are to finish the story. In the comments part, leave your entry and links to your site and other information about you that you want others to see. The vulgarity is limitless so please do what you can.)
She laid there drenched in her own blood. Braile paper was every where, soaked by her blood. The radio was playing "Ear doctor: Sound test 4".....
The rules are as followed: You are to finish the story. In the comments part, leave your entry and links to your site and other information about you that you want others to see. The vulgarity is limitless so please do what you can.)
She laid there drenched in her own blood. Braile paper was every where, soaked by her blood. The radio was playing "Ear doctor: Sound test 4".....
Wednesday, September 06, 2006
Wednesday, August 30, 2006
Serial Heartbraker
Get your gun girl!
(get your gun)
Load and aim girl!
(get your gun)
Shoot and kill girl!
(get your gun)
Here comes another, girl,
just waiting to meet you.
Here he comes girl
what are you gonna do?
Hes gettin' closer girl
so set down the fear.
He's gettin' near girl
so hold back that tear.
Get your gun girl!
(get your gun)
Load and aim girl!
(get your gun)
Shoot and kill girl!
(get your gun)
Hey you ol girl
have you seen his face?
The one over there girl
without no expression trace.
He's gettin' closer girl
whatcha gotta do?
He's gettin' closer girl
so please remain still!
Get your gun girl!
(get your gun)
Load and aim girl!
(get your gun)
Shoot and kill girl!
(get your gun)
You've been here girl
is that so true?
He made your heart girl
turn from red to dark blue.
He's getting closer girl
to your blind spot
If your not careful girl
he'll melt your heart in his pot
Get your gun girl!
(get your gun)
Load and aim girl!
(get your gun)
Shoot and kill girl!
(get your gun)
(get your gun)
Load and aim girl!
(get your gun)
Shoot and kill girl!
(get your gun)
Here comes another, girl,
just waiting to meet you.
Here he comes girl
what are you gonna do?
Hes gettin' closer girl
so set down the fear.
He's gettin' near girl
so hold back that tear.
Get your gun girl!
(get your gun)
Load and aim girl!
(get your gun)
Shoot and kill girl!
(get your gun)
Hey you ol girl
have you seen his face?
The one over there girl
without no expression trace.
He's gettin' closer girl
whatcha gotta do?
He's gettin' closer girl
so please remain still!
Get your gun girl!
(get your gun)
Load and aim girl!
(get your gun)
Shoot and kill girl!
(get your gun)
You've been here girl
is that so true?
He made your heart girl
turn from red to dark blue.
He's getting closer girl
to your blind spot
If your not careful girl
he'll melt your heart in his pot
Get your gun girl!
(get your gun)
Load and aim girl!
(get your gun)
Shoot and kill girl!
(get your gun)
Tuesday, August 29, 2006
Saturday, August 19, 2006
Monday, July 24, 2006
When you think the world is yours
You may not notice all the scourns
Your just another ear of sweet corn
Your just another man watching porn
If the apple fell far from the tree
Whats that mean for you and me
If this is all of Gods land
why is it in short demand
Get your gun sally and run from the man
Get your gun sally you are the that man
Aim for the best and shoot your bullet
Aim for the man not wearing a mullet.
You may not notice all the scourns
Your just another ear of sweet corn
Your just another man watching porn
If the apple fell far from the tree
Whats that mean for you and me
If this is all of Gods land
why is it in short demand
Get your gun sally and run from the man
Get your gun sally you are the that man
Aim for the best and shoot your bullet
Aim for the man not wearing a mullet.
Friday, July 21, 2006
Let it burn
While the stars are a shining
While the kids are a hiding
While the fighters are a fighting
While the liars are a lying
let it burn
turn to urn
Pictures are a falling
And the halls are a calling
Can you save all your money
Does your honey love your money?
let it burn
turn to urn
Well the poor kids are out playing
And the rich kids are a dating
The daddies have the caddies
And the movies have the cards
let it burn
turn to urn
Cause the rich are all poor
We all sleep on the floor
So pur the fuel down
And watch it all go down
While the kids are a hiding
While the fighters are a fighting
While the liars are a lying
let it burn
turn to urn
Pictures are a falling
And the halls are a calling
Can you save all your money
Does your honey love your money?
let it burn
turn to urn
Well the poor kids are out playing
And the rich kids are a dating
The daddies have the caddies
And the movies have the cards
let it burn
turn to urn
Cause the rich are all poor
We all sleep on the floor
So pur the fuel down
And watch it all go down
Sunday, July 16, 2006
I read it
I walked. I walked till my legs felt melted jellow and my sides burned liked they were dipped in Lye. I had no reason. Everyone tells me I should have a reason, a purpose. They tell me "You should look into this.."and "You gotta do that". Bullshit. I dont know why I keep walking. Maybe its the endorphins that are getting me high. Its late. Maybe like 2:30ish in the moning kind of late. The kind that late night mixed with early morning kind of time. I swat my right hand pocket looking for my smokes. I'm out like usual. This whole quitting thing is tough, its even harder to smoke especially when you never had in the first place. You know what? I'am gonna buy a pack of smokes. I need to find a place. There's a super america in sight, I think I'll check it out. I walk up to the clerk and freeze. If I have never bought one before, how do I know whats best? "My friend here will have the Marb Reds, make that two." Fucking cop startles the shit outta of me. All I can squeak out is a thanks. He puts down cash and walks out and grabs a seat on the curb. Hey clerk dude, who's that cop? "Thats sheriff Harris. You from around here?" Yeah bye. What could I say, I was under age. I whip out a smoke and grab seat on the curb next to the Sheriff. "Listen kid, if you wanna thank me dont. You had no clue what you wanted and only real smokers can handle the red". I Inhaled. My exhale was vomit."Welcome to Marb country. Now if you'll escuse me." Some young punk kids came strolling to the station. The cop disappears. The kids walk in to the station and purchase beer. Right outta the store they all crack open a bottle. Mr. Sheriff pulls a SWAT on them and comes from nowhere. He busts em for drinking then he busts the clerk for selling. I get up and run. I hate running.
Friday, June 30, 2006
Who reads this shit?
I've always wondered what kind of people read the shit I write. So, for the Goodnews Gorillas readers, this is for you.
I would like it if you left a comment describing who you are and why you read my blog. That would be greatful.
I would like it if you left a comment describing who you are and why you read my blog. That would be greatful.
Tuesday, June 27, 2006
Thursday, June 15, 2006
Cancer,whether physical or emotional, is curable
For every disease there is a cure.
For every pain there is a soothing.
For every jitter there is a calm.
For every hole there is a cover.
For every drop of rain there is a beam of sunlight.
For every personal hell there is a personal heaven.
For every time you suffer there is a time you are happy.
For every pain there is a soothing.
For every jitter there is a calm.
For every hole there is a cover.
For every drop of rain there is a beam of sunlight.
For every personal hell there is a personal heaven.
For every time you suffer there is a time you are happy.
Wednesday, June 14, 2006
He burst through the door in laughter and good cheer. The night around him was clear. He stood as things started to sink in. He looked to his left, no one stood there. He looked to the right and got the same. Soon the fun of before was gone. The stars in the ever so clear night sky were getting blurred. "Had I been drunk all this time?" he said to himself. He's first step was a stumbler, sending him almost to the ground. He knelt there wondering whats going on. Then the stomache started to disagree with the body. Like most in this situation, he couldnt get his stomach to strike a deal with the rest of the body. The acid, the burn, the chunks came flowing like the flooding Nile River. The vomit covered the cement block before him. There was no one there to hold his hand as he vomitted or help him up. He tried getting up but the struggle was unbearable and he fell to the ground like Jesus carrying the cross. He couldnt walk so all that was left was the crawl. He drug his sorry carcass down the sidewalk. Then she came. The face seemed familiar but he couldnt really make out who she was. Her hair blew in the soft gentle breeze. She grabbed his arm and pulled him up to his feet. She had this glass of stuff he couldnt make out if it was water or not. She drug him to her car signalling through her "drunk" muffled words that she wanted to give him a ride to wherever. She opened the passenger side door so he could drag his sorry as to the seat. It was a leather soft interior that one could lose himself too. She kept handing him a cup of whatever, and he kept drinking it. The car ride was fast and blurry. Downtown seemed like four lines of red and yellow on each side. She kept handing a cup of whatever til he refused. She even tried forcing it on him. He grabbed the cup and chucked at her, shattering it on the window beside her. He was starting see clearer. Then downtown disappeared. He soon realized he was back in control of his choices. The car stopped at a place he had never seen before. She asks for him to reach between the seat and the door for something that wasnt there, knowing that he'd have to open the door. Then her fancy red high heel boot came flying into his face. He awakens to a headache in his bed. He looks to his left and see's her there. He looks to his right and see's a used condom in the trash bin. The first thoughts in his head were "Did we, WTF!?". He jumps outta bed, throws on his robe and slippers and frantically ran towards the door. As soon as he got to the door, WHAM! A man from the otherside had kicked the door open. He regains just enough sense to realize that he knows this man and to ask the man "What the fuck!?". The man pulls out a pistol with a silencer. Two shots. The man awakens...
Thursday, June 08, 2006
So I've done wrong
So you hate my guts
So should I change?
So do I give a fuck?
Call me human
Call me man
But dont call me flawless
Call me human
Call me man
But dont call me perfect
I will not be the me you want me to be
I will hurt because baby thats just me
I willl not always make you happy
I will sometimes make you wanna slap me
Call me human
Call me man
But dont call me flawless
Call me human
Call me man
But dont call me perfect
So you hate my guts
So should I change?
So do I give a fuck?
Call me human
Call me man
But dont call me flawless
Call me human
Call me man
But dont call me perfect
I will not be the me you want me to be
I will hurt because baby thats just me
I willl not always make you happy
I will sometimes make you wanna slap me
Call me human
Call me man
But dont call me flawless
Call me human
Call me man
But dont call me perfect
Tuesday, June 06, 2006
Friday, June 02, 2006
"Smiling" Act:One Dealing The Wrong Hand
I was tied to a chair in a room with only one light. The light was right above me. I was wearing my usual fancy tie, no shirt, suit coat, hole infested blue jeans mixed with the occasional blood splatter stain every time the two brutes hit me. They wanted answers and all I did was smile. Each time they would ask a question I would pull my head up and smile a pretty blood gushing smile. Then the two fucking brutes would look at each other, then me, then start punching again. Yes Im fucking insane. Yes I have lost my mind. They want me to speak, and all I want to do is smile.
Rosa, this girl from down the street, is tending her garden in her usual red apron red clogs red weed cutter uniform. Shes fucking insane. Everyday I walk by her she says "Well howdy neighbor, how do you do?" I respond nicely with a "Not too bad, yourself?" as I walk on by. My cig always burns to the filter at this point. I ash it then I flick it in her Garden as she watches this little ball of flame glide through the air and into her precious Garden. All she can do is smile. She goes back to tending her garden and I continue walking.
I go to the house of the man I know as Obi Scat Cat. Hes the man with connections. He knows anyone and everyone. His house is this small rundown shack on the corner of 5th and Smith. I knock three times. If you knock once or twice, its a sign that you really dont care. If you knock 4 or more its excessive and shows signs of obsessive and stupid behavior. Three times is just right. I light up another cig just as the door opens. Two tough guys open the door and let me in. Obi Scat Cat is sittin at the table. He gets up and we greet like ol'buddies we are. The ol' Hand shake to hug greeting. "Whats with the new cats?" I say. Cats are what we call the tough guys who answer the door and keep security. "Im on high alert for now and I need some faces to cover my traces" Obi Scat Cat says. " You dont look too happy Scat" Only close trusted friends can call Obi Scat Cat, Scat. "I got this feelin that some good pals of mine are tryin to fuck wit me.". "Who would fuck with you? The network of all people?" I respond as smoke slowly emerges from my mouth."I got this hunch that somehow Rockstar has something to do wit it. I want you to help me get to the bottom of this you dig?". I pull out another smoke from my pocket and offer it to Scat. He shakes his head horizontally so I light it for myself. (Inhale) "Sure Scat, Let me get my boys and we'll find out for ya as long as you give me all the(exhale) information you know." I say. He nods and reaches over to shake my hand. "Listen Scat I've got your back, now its time to-" Scat's phone rings. Its this dame, Olympa, she wanted to know when we were all gettin together. We called her 'Limp' for short. Scat hung up the phone the moment I smashed my cig in the ashtray. He looked satisified, so I smiled.
I decided to leave my boys outta this until shit gets heavy, if it does. I knocked on Rockstars door three times. He answered a little worried. He knew something was up. I tried a little talking but that shit aint his style. So we played music for awhile and the talking sorta came out. The conversation was geared towards anything but Obi Scat Cat. He would'nt talk. All he could talk about was music. Thats it. He didnt want trouble and hes a good pal of mine so I didnt disrepect his wants in his own house. We started to play some meaningful music that made him smile.
Scat had arranged the annual meeting. We all sat at this big fucking table in a smoke filled room playing poker. Scat always sat in the middle and I sat to his right. To his left was Charles aka Chuck. The three of us were considered the elite three of the group. Around the circle in clockwise formation sat Scat,Chuck, Rockstar, Fish, Cuts, Vids and Me. Tonight though was a different lineup. Scat invited the dame Limp. She was new to this group and our business actions. Scat and Chuck gave her a smile and I was my fucking self. "So what brings pretty Limp walking down here?" I sarcastically say. She's a rookie to this whole Poker thing. In no time shes down a dub. I puff my cig and watch as Scat takes the final game like usual. He looks at his chips then at Limp. Chucks is his usual weird nice. Me and the nonelite members are joking around while Scat and Chuck smile at Limp.
More and more 'meetings' would come till finally at the end of one of them. Everyone else starts leaving. I was last to leave but before I could step on the stair to leave, Limp abruptly grabs me by the arm. She drags me onto the concrete floored room away from the group. "We need to talk" the dame says. I look at her hand thats holding my arm "About what?" and I pull my arm out from her grasp."Your the only one in the group I can trust" she says. Shes has her eyes looking at me like a poor innocent sweet cat. Her cute face is fancied by an out of style feathered hooker boa that raps around her neck. She grabs my arm again and says "I need you to figure somethings out for me. It's about Rockstar, I like him and I need you to find out if he likes me ya know what Im sayin!? And Dammit keep it 'in the alley' lets keep this between you and me." Her grip gets tighter. Once again I rip my hand out from her grip. I grab a smoke from pocket and light it up. (exhale)"I'll see what I can do." The dame was relieved that I agreed to help. I gained her trust. She knew I had no attraction for her. She also knew of my connections and that my feelings for her cant get in the way since I have none for her. I walk up the stairs to the door. I stop and turn around and see the dame showing her pearly whites. I smiled back.
I did my usually route and said my greetings to Rosa. I met with Scat to talk about the progress I was making. "Hey Scat, we need to talk. Its about us boys playing Poker. I think something is up". He looks at me in the eyes then down at the floor. "I feel the same. It's no fun anymore. Theres this negativity in the air." We decided to consult Chuck on his views with this situation to see if hes got information for us. I pick up my phone and dial him up.
"Hey" he says gruffly
"Yo we need to talk about some shit" I say
"About what?"
"Pokers dying damn it, and it seems to be takin the group down with it." I say cautiously.
"I know man, I feel the same way."
I look over my shoulder to Scat looking at me concerned.
"We need to figure up whats up now before shit starts to fly."
"I agree, I'll see what I can do"he says
I look over at Scat and hes more concerned then ever. He looks at me and says,"I got a call from Limp, she needs my help." I look at him like what the fuck is going on. "Wait a sec-what does she want you do?". He looks at me in the eye and tells me that she wants help on getting Rockstar to be her man. "Fuck man! That dame wants me to do the same, she said to keep it secret!" I burst in confused anger. Another cig flings to my mouth. We pull up chairs at the old table. Scat says to me in a concerned voice "I guess if this is what she wants we might as well try to help her". I respond (with cig in mouth and tryin to light it) "I guess". Scat gives me the worried smile, I give him back the 'this-could-be-a-fucking-set up' smile.
I made a stop at Rockstar's house to get some shit straightened. I tried to make him go limp over Limp. All I could get from him was "Im not sure if I like her but I think shes good and all but theres a chance I could. I really want this gal Kats McKat, but I wouldnt mind Limp." Kats was a mysterious dame. I've met her once, but I dont know much about the dame. All he did was give me the "I do, I dont" response. He was taking middle ground. I notifified Scat and Limp on what was going on. I told'em that Rockstar said there was a chance for a "Limp and Rockstar".Scat was worried as was I. Limp on the other got happy. She was smiling.
Scat and Limp would get more involved. He told her everything, and she did the same. The thing with Limp and Chuck was also building. The Limp and Rockstar situation was the same. Except for the fact she kept demanding we get more involved and 'get him to want her'. More and more Rockstar was backing outta the group. We got suspicious and decided to take it to the next level, besides you dont just back out for no reason. We tried all we could or so we thought. Obi Scat Cat calls me up at the lean part of the night.
"Who the fu-" I say before being interuppted
"GET the fuck over here. I aint got time to explain cause shit will never be the same!" Obi Scat Cat says angerily.
I hustle my sorry ass over with guns loaded and my cig burning. I knock out out both the cats, bunch of novices. I knock three times, but no answer. I instinctively kick the door open with my nines held before me. Scat is there looking me in the face with a shotgun doing the same. "WHAT THE FUCK IS GOING ON!" I say. Scat looks at me and around me. "SHIT AINT FLY AND I THINK ROCKSTAR IS THE GUY!!" Scat shouts. I say "AND WHAT ABOUT THIS SHIT WITH LIMPS!?" Scat looks at me and says "IF I AM HOLDING THEM BACK THEY MIGHT AS WELL JUST DISCONNECT THE CHORD, SEVERE THEIR CONNECTION!! WE MUST FOLLOW WITH MY NEW PLAN-RID OF ROCKSTAR, AND ALL THAT ARE CONNECTED. BECAUSE THIS CONDUCTOR AINT PLAYING THEIR MUSIC!" So we bust over to his car but as Scat steps over the cats and he says "TODAYS LESSON:DOG MEAT!!" Scat takes the wheel and burns out in a fury. Tonight shit hits the fan, tonight we drop the bomb. Oh the smile I had.
We went to Rockstars house and told him we needed to meet at Limps corner. He agreed and met us there. Cuts and fish came with us to make sure we didnt leave a mess. They also made sure to let us do our thing. Obi Scat took a deep breathe of hate and exhaled. "Limps, Rockstar" he said"This has to stop. Tonight, I end it. Tommorow I reap the rewards of tonight." Limps cautiously approaches as does Rockstar. "Whats up Obi Scat Cat, whats the prob-" "Problem?PROBLEM!? The PROBLEM miss Olympa is this using shit. I AM SICK AND TIRED OF BEING A FUCKING DATING SERVICE!! LIMPS AM I A DATING SERVICE TO YOU!?" says Scat. ""N-" says Rockstar before being interrupted "I AM NOT YOUR DATING BITCH! I AM THE NETWORK, THE SHIT THAT KEEPS OUR SHIT SOLID, PROFITABLE AND YOUR FUCKING WITH ME AS A BUSINESS MAN AND A FUCKING HUMAN, WE WERE FRIENDS!!!" The air was dead. We asked Rockstar to get in the car. Cuts and fish decided to leave and stay low for awhile. He undeniable agreed. Before we sped off I looked at Livvy and she was smiling.
Scat and I took Rockstar for a little ride up to the water hole. When we got there, we drew our guns to his head as he did the same. I yelled "All we want is some fucking answers!"he responded by saying "So do I, Goddammit!". Lightening strikes and seconds later, the rain pours down. Any harder and it would be hail. I yell "You know why we're here Rockstar!". Scat's eyebrows sink into a furious rage and says "Fucking Rockstar! After all We've done for you! You were there when I lost my pops and took over the business. YOU WERE THERE from the beginning and now you decide to stabe me in the back!?(gun steadies in his hand) I'm fucking through with this shit!(his thumb slowly pulls back the hammer). All we wanted was to help you and Limp become one and make this problem go away, but Noooo thats not what Rockstar wants, he wants to keep telling us 'I dos' and 'I donts'. (the rain has already soaked us like we were swimming in our clothes) It's time we rid-rather I rid of this problem right now!" Before he could pull the trigger Rockstar responds "Is this what all this shits been about!? Limps? Did she send you here or what!? The whole fucking reason I backed away a little from the group was because of this!?" I yell, "Because of what!?" Rockstar drops his gun in the mud before him. "Because of Limps! Hasnt she told you?" Scat and I look at each other confused. "All that dame has said was that you are expressing interest in her and that you would go out with her sorta thing" I say. Rockstar looks at me in his drenched clothing and says "What the fuck? Awhile back, like a day or so afta that first meeting with her I told her twice(holds up fingers) that I didnt want her at all. I said just as a friend, but fuck man, I told her straight that all I wanted was Kats!" I drop my gun before me and drop a punch on Rockstars pretty little wet face. I start wailing on him, "Fuck, fuck man why couldnt you tell us that along time ago motha fucker!?". Scat grabs my arm as Rockstar speaks "I thought she told you, I thought you guys just had it out for me, like you backstabbed me. I didnt know!" His arm swipes across his nose to wipe the blood. "Fuck man, that really hurt!" Rockstar squeezes out. I drop to my knees in the mud. Have we been made fools? Have we been used to destroy something innocent? It was this moment we all had realized what had happened and that a war was brewing. I grabbed my mud covered gun and got up off my knees. The rain started to get heavier and the wind started to gust with force. I smiled a wicked smile. I tossed Rockstar my gun and patted Scat on the back. I told'em in a soft voice "The mud is warm".
Rosa, this girl from down the street, is tending her garden in her usual red apron red clogs red weed cutter uniform. Shes fucking insane. Everyday I walk by her she says "Well howdy neighbor, how do you do?" I respond nicely with a "Not too bad, yourself?" as I walk on by. My cig always burns to the filter at this point. I ash it then I flick it in her Garden as she watches this little ball of flame glide through the air and into her precious Garden. All she can do is smile. She goes back to tending her garden and I continue walking.
I go to the house of the man I know as Obi Scat Cat. Hes the man with connections. He knows anyone and everyone. His house is this small rundown shack on the corner of 5th and Smith. I knock three times. If you knock once or twice, its a sign that you really dont care. If you knock 4 or more its excessive and shows signs of obsessive and stupid behavior. Three times is just right. I light up another cig just as the door opens. Two tough guys open the door and let me in. Obi Scat Cat is sittin at the table. He gets up and we greet like ol'buddies we are. The ol' Hand shake to hug greeting. "Whats with the new cats?" I say. Cats are what we call the tough guys who answer the door and keep security. "Im on high alert for now and I need some faces to cover my traces" Obi Scat Cat says. " You dont look too happy Scat" Only close trusted friends can call Obi Scat Cat, Scat. "I got this feelin that some good pals of mine are tryin to fuck wit me.". "Who would fuck with you? The network of all people?" I respond as smoke slowly emerges from my mouth."I got this hunch that somehow Rockstar has something to do wit it. I want you to help me get to the bottom of this you dig?". I pull out another smoke from my pocket and offer it to Scat. He shakes his head horizontally so I light it for myself. (Inhale) "Sure Scat, Let me get my boys and we'll find out for ya as long as you give me all the(exhale) information you know." I say. He nods and reaches over to shake my hand. "Listen Scat I've got your back, now its time to-" Scat's phone rings. Its this dame, Olympa, she wanted to know when we were all gettin together. We called her 'Limp' for short. Scat hung up the phone the moment I smashed my cig in the ashtray. He looked satisified, so I smiled.
I decided to leave my boys outta this until shit gets heavy, if it does. I knocked on Rockstars door three times. He answered a little worried. He knew something was up. I tried a little talking but that shit aint his style. So we played music for awhile and the talking sorta came out. The conversation was geared towards anything but Obi Scat Cat. He would'nt talk. All he could talk about was music. Thats it. He didnt want trouble and hes a good pal of mine so I didnt disrepect his wants in his own house. We started to play some meaningful music that made him smile.
Scat had arranged the annual meeting. We all sat at this big fucking table in a smoke filled room playing poker. Scat always sat in the middle and I sat to his right. To his left was Charles aka Chuck. The three of us were considered the elite three of the group. Around the circle in clockwise formation sat Scat,Chuck, Rockstar, Fish, Cuts, Vids and Me. Tonight though was a different lineup. Scat invited the dame Limp. She was new to this group and our business actions. Scat and Chuck gave her a smile and I was my fucking self. "So what brings pretty Limp walking down here?" I sarcastically say. She's a rookie to this whole Poker thing. In no time shes down a dub. I puff my cig and watch as Scat takes the final game like usual. He looks at his chips then at Limp. Chucks is his usual weird nice. Me and the nonelite members are joking around while Scat and Chuck smile at Limp.
More and more 'meetings' would come till finally at the end of one of them. Everyone else starts leaving. I was last to leave but before I could step on the stair to leave, Limp abruptly grabs me by the arm. She drags me onto the concrete floored room away from the group. "We need to talk" the dame says. I look at her hand thats holding my arm "About what?" and I pull my arm out from her grasp."Your the only one in the group I can trust" she says. Shes has her eyes looking at me like a poor innocent sweet cat. Her cute face is fancied by an out of style feathered hooker boa that raps around her neck. She grabs my arm again and says "I need you to figure somethings out for me. It's about Rockstar, I like him and I need you to find out if he likes me ya know what Im sayin!? And Dammit keep it 'in the alley' lets keep this between you and me." Her grip gets tighter. Once again I rip my hand out from her grip. I grab a smoke from pocket and light it up. (exhale)"I'll see what I can do." The dame was relieved that I agreed to help. I gained her trust. She knew I had no attraction for her. She also knew of my connections and that my feelings for her cant get in the way since I have none for her. I walk up the stairs to the door. I stop and turn around and see the dame showing her pearly whites. I smiled back.
I did my usually route and said my greetings to Rosa. I met with Scat to talk about the progress I was making. "Hey Scat, we need to talk. Its about us boys playing Poker. I think something is up". He looks at me in the eyes then down at the floor. "I feel the same. It's no fun anymore. Theres this negativity in the air." We decided to consult Chuck on his views with this situation to see if hes got information for us. I pick up my phone and dial him up.
"Hey" he says gruffly
"Yo we need to talk about some shit" I say
"About what?"
"Pokers dying damn it, and it seems to be takin the group down with it." I say cautiously.
"I know man, I feel the same way."
I look over my shoulder to Scat looking at me concerned.
"We need to figure up whats up now before shit starts to fly."
"I agree, I'll see what I can do"he says
I look over at Scat and hes more concerned then ever. He looks at me and says,"I got a call from Limp, she needs my help." I look at him like what the fuck is going on. "Wait a sec-what does she want you do?". He looks at me in the eye and tells me that she wants help on getting Rockstar to be her man. "Fuck man! That dame wants me to do the same, she said to keep it secret!" I burst in confused anger. Another cig flings to my mouth. We pull up chairs at the old table. Scat says to me in a concerned voice "I guess if this is what she wants we might as well try to help her". I respond (with cig in mouth and tryin to light it) "I guess". Scat gives me the worried smile, I give him back the 'this-could-be-a-fucking-set up' smile.
I made a stop at Rockstar's house to get some shit straightened. I tried to make him go limp over Limp. All I could get from him was "Im not sure if I like her but I think shes good and all but theres a chance I could. I really want this gal Kats McKat, but I wouldnt mind Limp." Kats was a mysterious dame. I've met her once, but I dont know much about the dame. All he did was give me the "I do, I dont" response. He was taking middle ground. I notifified Scat and Limp on what was going on. I told'em that Rockstar said there was a chance for a "Limp and Rockstar".Scat was worried as was I. Limp on the other got happy. She was smiling.
Scat and Limp would get more involved. He told her everything, and she did the same. The thing with Limp and Chuck was also building. The Limp and Rockstar situation was the same. Except for the fact she kept demanding we get more involved and 'get him to want her'. More and more Rockstar was backing outta the group. We got suspicious and decided to take it to the next level, besides you dont just back out for no reason. We tried all we could or so we thought. Obi Scat Cat calls me up at the lean part of the night.
"Who the fu-" I say before being interuppted
"GET the fuck over here. I aint got time to explain cause shit will never be the same!" Obi Scat Cat says angerily.
I hustle my sorry ass over with guns loaded and my cig burning. I knock out out both the cats, bunch of novices. I knock three times, but no answer. I instinctively kick the door open with my nines held before me. Scat is there looking me in the face with a shotgun doing the same. "WHAT THE FUCK IS GOING ON!" I say. Scat looks at me and around me. "SHIT AINT FLY AND I THINK ROCKSTAR IS THE GUY!!" Scat shouts. I say "AND WHAT ABOUT THIS SHIT WITH LIMPS!?" Scat looks at me and says "IF I AM HOLDING THEM BACK THEY MIGHT AS WELL JUST DISCONNECT THE CHORD, SEVERE THEIR CONNECTION!! WE MUST FOLLOW WITH MY NEW PLAN-RID OF ROCKSTAR, AND ALL THAT ARE CONNECTED. BECAUSE THIS CONDUCTOR AINT PLAYING THEIR MUSIC!" So we bust over to his car but as Scat steps over the cats and he says "TODAYS LESSON:DOG MEAT!!" Scat takes the wheel and burns out in a fury. Tonight shit hits the fan, tonight we drop the bomb. Oh the smile I had.
We went to Rockstars house and told him we needed to meet at Limps corner. He agreed and met us there. Cuts and fish came with us to make sure we didnt leave a mess. They also made sure to let us do our thing. Obi Scat took a deep breathe of hate and exhaled. "Limps, Rockstar" he said"This has to stop. Tonight, I end it. Tommorow I reap the rewards of tonight." Limps cautiously approaches as does Rockstar. "Whats up Obi Scat Cat, whats the prob-" "Problem?PROBLEM!? The PROBLEM miss Olympa is this using shit. I AM SICK AND TIRED OF BEING A FUCKING DATING SERVICE!! LIMPS AM I A DATING SERVICE TO YOU!?" says Scat. ""N-" says Rockstar before being interrupted "I AM NOT YOUR DATING BITCH! I AM THE NETWORK, THE SHIT THAT KEEPS OUR SHIT SOLID, PROFITABLE AND YOUR FUCKING WITH ME AS A BUSINESS MAN AND A FUCKING HUMAN, WE WERE FRIENDS!!!" The air was dead. We asked Rockstar to get in the car. Cuts and fish decided to leave and stay low for awhile. He undeniable agreed. Before we sped off I looked at Livvy and she was smiling.
Scat and I took Rockstar for a little ride up to the water hole. When we got there, we drew our guns to his head as he did the same. I yelled "All we want is some fucking answers!"he responded by saying "So do I, Goddammit!". Lightening strikes and seconds later, the rain pours down. Any harder and it would be hail. I yell "You know why we're here Rockstar!". Scat's eyebrows sink into a furious rage and says "Fucking Rockstar! After all We've done for you! You were there when I lost my pops and took over the business. YOU WERE THERE from the beginning and now you decide to stabe me in the back!?(gun steadies in his hand) I'm fucking through with this shit!(his thumb slowly pulls back the hammer). All we wanted was to help you and Limp become one and make this problem go away, but Noooo thats not what Rockstar wants, he wants to keep telling us 'I dos' and 'I donts'. (the rain has already soaked us like we were swimming in our clothes) It's time we rid-rather I rid of this problem right now!" Before he could pull the trigger Rockstar responds "Is this what all this shits been about!? Limps? Did she send you here or what!? The whole fucking reason I backed away a little from the group was because of this!?" I yell, "Because of what!?" Rockstar drops his gun in the mud before him. "Because of Limps! Hasnt she told you?" Scat and I look at each other confused. "All that dame has said was that you are expressing interest in her and that you would go out with her sorta thing" I say. Rockstar looks at me in his drenched clothing and says "What the fuck? Awhile back, like a day or so afta that first meeting with her I told her twice(holds up fingers) that I didnt want her at all. I said just as a friend, but fuck man, I told her straight that all I wanted was Kats!" I drop my gun before me and drop a punch on Rockstars pretty little wet face. I start wailing on him, "Fuck, fuck man why couldnt you tell us that along time ago motha fucker!?". Scat grabs my arm as Rockstar speaks "I thought she told you, I thought you guys just had it out for me, like you backstabbed me. I didnt know!" His arm swipes across his nose to wipe the blood. "Fuck man, that really hurt!" Rockstar squeezes out. I drop to my knees in the mud. Have we been made fools? Have we been used to destroy something innocent? It was this moment we all had realized what had happened and that a war was brewing. I grabbed my mud covered gun and got up off my knees. The rain started to get heavier and the wind started to gust with force. I smiled a wicked smile. I tossed Rockstar my gun and patted Scat on the back. I told'em in a soft voice "The mud is warm".
Friday, May 19, 2006
Shimmer in the night
Through the night it may shimmer
for our pillow we do hither
but its not for what it seems
nothing is as it gleams
the cookies they do bake
off the all the ovens hate
for which we we are
is not too far
from who we were before
There is no clause
no human cause
for which all can be
but give a gift
and through this rift
a sin for which you shall see
for our pillow we do hither
but its not for what it seems
nothing is as it gleams
the cookies they do bake
off the all the ovens hate
for which we we are
is not too far
from who we were before
There is no clause
no human cause
for which all can be
but give a gift
and through this rift
a sin for which you shall see
Monday, May 15, 2006
Dancing fear
I dance this dance
this lonely dance
the beat it drags me on
My feet dont move
my arms dont sway
Nor does the sweat dare fall
I cry this cry
this lonely cry
the one that does drag on
It seems my friends do scare me
yet as it may only seem
I bring this fear
this placid fear
And scare them out their jeans
The beat must carry the tune
The drum must bury the mellow melody
or so for which it seems
my eyes do burn
of tearful yearn
of pain I can not see
Yet I do this dance
this silly prance
within my soul filled feet
As still as it may seem
through which it gleams
My greatest fear
is not to fear
the things I do not see.
this lonely dance
the beat it drags me on
My feet dont move
my arms dont sway
Nor does the sweat dare fall
I cry this cry
this lonely cry
the one that does drag on
It seems my friends do scare me
yet as it may only seem
I bring this fear
this placid fear
And scare them out their jeans
The beat must carry the tune
The drum must bury the mellow melody
or so for which it seems
my eyes do burn
of tearful yearn
of pain I can not see
Yet I do this dance
this silly prance
within my soul filled feet
As still as it may seem
through which it gleams
My greatest fear
is not to fear
the things I do not see.
The Game
Must you play this game with me
And tell me all these lies
Must you get all freak on me
And question all my whys?
You deal your hand
You play your cards
And look across the table
For it may seem
For which I bring
Is undeniable fear.
You cheat your ways
You play this game
You dance to no song
As the frogs may hop
I will not dare stop
Telling you this truth
Play this game
as if it were the same
Handle your deck of cards
But as you see my dear friend
My jolly good ol man
I quit this game
Before its lame
Long before it even started
And tell me all these lies
Must you get all freak on me
And question all my whys?
You deal your hand
You play your cards
And look across the table
For it may seem
For which I bring
Is undeniable fear.
You cheat your ways
You play this game
You dance to no song
As the frogs may hop
I will not dare stop
Telling you this truth
Play this game
as if it were the same
Handle your deck of cards
But as you see my dear friend
My jolly good ol man
I quit this game
Before its lame
Long before it even started
Tuesday, May 09, 2006
Monday, May 08, 2006
The night the day took a rest(song)

The sun needed to take a rest
like the moon its seen its best
The moon said hey go to sleep
you can take a rest on me
The sun asked the moon why
its seen the better times
The moon shrugged and said hey there sir
lay on me like I'm your elogant fur
When the sun starts to dream
All the kids can do is stand and scream
Hey where did our sunlight go!?
Sleep sun for you have seen your best!
We hope this is your eternal rest!
The sun wakes up and says
"have I really reached my best?"
The moon says I dont know why
you tell yourself this retchid lie
Now go to rest and sleep again
you need to be refreshed my friend
Hey before I rest let me ask you this
have you ever reached your best
The moon says shhh my burning friend
you will know when you have reached the end
When the sun starts to dream
All the kids can do is stand and scream
Hey where did our sunlight go!?
Sleep sun for you have seen your best!
We hope this is your eternal rest!
The sun awoke with a glimmer in his eye
hey moon will the children die?
The moon says just look at me
just let those children be
When the sun starts to dream
All the kids can do is stand and scream
Hey where did our sunlight go!?
Sleep sun for you have seen your best!
We hope this is your eternal rest!
The sun awakes and says thank you moon
but unlike you I know what I must do
Without my light, without my power
there'll be darkness and not a pretty lil flower
For I dry up the tears and kick out the rain
I can stop their fears, I can stop their pain
The boy in the box
For once in my life I feel empty. I used to be as if I were a boy who opened a box full of toys ever day and played with them and enjoyed them, but now the boy opens the box and sees all the toys are there but there is this nothingness inside of the box and him. I go places that once had meaning know all they have is what they are. I feel as if I have drawn a beautiful picture on paper only to realize I did it with the eraser.
Thursday, May 04, 2006
Wednesday, May 03, 2006
MY Jail song
ENS p7-3-3
ENS p7-3-3
ENS p7-3-3
And thats the barcode stamped on me!
ENS p7-3-3
ENS p7-3-3
ENS p7-3-3
And I dont know what it fuckin' means!
Rapists, murders, drug dealers then me!
Fuckheads and crips are a comin' for me
I can run but I cannot do the hiding
Just like my gramma cuz she cant do the biking
Jail aint the shit nor should it be
A bunch of motherfucka's tryin to get on me
The food's gone bad, the cookies are stale
The probably store this shit in an unclean pale!
ENS p7-3-3
ENS p7-3-3
ENS p7-3-3
And thats the barcode stamped on me!
ENS p7-3-3
ENS p7-3-3
ENS p7-3-3
And I dont know what it fuckin' means!
They all are in here for something bad they did
They always make the claim that they are innocent
Jesus walks amongst them and Satan too
But what if your a believer in Muhammed dude!
Im in here for no reason and I have no clue why
One day i'll a write a book on why this place aint fly
I'll make all the millions and maybe a billion or two
I'll convert at least one to become a devote christian jew.
ENS p7-3-3
ENS p7-3-3
ENS p7-3-3
And thats the barcode stamped on me!
ENS p7-3-3
ENS p7-3-3
ENS p7-3-3
And I dont know what it fuckin' means!
Im gonna bust out Im gonna be free
Aint nobody gonna ever stop me
I'll get out and find a train to Mexico
And I'll change my name to Plaxico
I'll go to a college or some major university
I'll find a way to meet my educational needs
I'll get a girl that will treat me well
I'll stay far away from this prison called Hell
ENS p7-3-3
ENS p7-3-3
ENS p7-3-3
And thats the barcode stamped on me!
ENS p7-3-3
ENS p7-3-3
ENS p7-3-3
And I dont know what it fuckin' means!
ENS p7-3-3
ENS p7-3-3
And thats the barcode stamped on me!
ENS p7-3-3
ENS p7-3-3
ENS p7-3-3
And I dont know what it fuckin' means!
Rapists, murders, drug dealers then me!
Fuckheads and crips are a comin' for me
I can run but I cannot do the hiding
Just like my gramma cuz she cant do the biking
Jail aint the shit nor should it be
A bunch of motherfucka's tryin to get on me
The food's gone bad, the cookies are stale
The probably store this shit in an unclean pale!
ENS p7-3-3
ENS p7-3-3
ENS p7-3-3
And thats the barcode stamped on me!
ENS p7-3-3
ENS p7-3-3
ENS p7-3-3
And I dont know what it fuckin' means!
They all are in here for something bad they did
They always make the claim that they are innocent
Jesus walks amongst them and Satan too
But what if your a believer in Muhammed dude!
Im in here for no reason and I have no clue why
One day i'll a write a book on why this place aint fly
I'll make all the millions and maybe a billion or two
I'll convert at least one to become a devote christian jew.
ENS p7-3-3
ENS p7-3-3
ENS p7-3-3
And thats the barcode stamped on me!
ENS p7-3-3
ENS p7-3-3
ENS p7-3-3
And I dont know what it fuckin' means!
Im gonna bust out Im gonna be free
Aint nobody gonna ever stop me
I'll get out and find a train to Mexico
And I'll change my name to Plaxico
I'll go to a college or some major university
I'll find a way to meet my educational needs
I'll get a girl that will treat me well
I'll stay far away from this prison called Hell
ENS p7-3-3
ENS p7-3-3
ENS p7-3-3
And thats the barcode stamped on me!
ENS p7-3-3
ENS p7-3-3
ENS p7-3-3
And I dont know what it fuckin' means!
Saturday, April 29, 2006
CHECK THIS OUT(Scoots last Goodnews Gorillas post)
(This has been edited for writer confidentiality)
I removed all my stuff, so im at my new spot...., i'll still come by here and all that bidness, but i think this will work the best for us, BTW that mind prober biddness is flippin sweet! here i'll show you my type on here....
What You See!
You will readily notice Elliott displaying his well-developed social skills. His manners and sense of social propriety far surpass those of most people. He knows exactly what to say to smooth out the most awkward moments and is adept at filling in those uncomfortable silences. He can easily blurt out thought-provoking questions that keep his conversation sparkling and his listeners on their toes. He instinctively knows how to use his razor-sharp wit to achieve just the right effect.
What You Don't See!
Elliott's private self mirrors his public image. Even when by himself, he primarily thinks about other people and how he might best relate to them. Although the persona he presents to the world can be business-like and serious, underneath he has a huge, tender, and lovingly egotistical heart. His need for affection rivals that of most children. But he is certainly one to enjoy life. Elliott would like to be surrounded by loving, attentive people, and he puts his best effort into this. When it comes to giving that love and attention to someone else, he may not be able to do it very well, and may become conflicted when told he isn't delivering.
Bubbling Under the Surface!
Elliott can't stand it when people don't like him and avoids any behavior that casts him in a negative light. He still remembers the humiliation of not being invited to an important party in grade school and is terrified of it happening again. He craves the feeling of being loved and accepted by those around him.
Special Attractions
He loves to be a member of social clubs. He tends to be active and influential, well-known for organizing parties, dinners, and meetings. He was the sort of teenager who dreamed of being elected King or Queen of his high school prom.
What Dr. Freud Has to Say About Elliott
Elliott uses repression to maintain his emotional balance. He unconsciously avoids thinking about anything that is painful. In this way, the unacceptable thought never even reaches the surface of his mind. It is automatically "stuffed" back into the unconscious. If asked, Elliott will truthfully deny that he is even aware of it.
Habits and Addictions
Look for Elliott at the center of every crowd. His ideal scenario is a big party, a cocktail in his hand, and at least two attentive listeners. In fact, Elliott is so stimulated by people that he has trouble just staying home with his family. No matter how recently he has returned home, he hears the siren song of the "outside world" calling to him. Elliott is most content when he is being amused by something outside him, especially other people. He is definitely not the type who seeks the meaning of life within himself in quiet surroundings.
Career Leanings
Elliott is at his best in an active, people-intensive setting. He is stimulated by a significant amount of activity going on at all times, and where repetitiveness in his day-to-day job is minimized. He loves to talk and talks well, so don't frustrate him with a silent environment. Employment fields that fit his personality include public relations, sales, acting, customer service and education. In fact, almost any job where he can have an audience is a good one for Elliott.
Hidden Desires
Tell Elliott "the Earth moved", and he'll be eating out of your hand. Whether it's true or false, he thrills to having his sexual prowess complimented. For all his sophisticated talk and charm, what he really wants is for his lover to turn the tables on him and do the chasing. Secretly he desires to be wooed, swept off his feet, and taken by storm.
How to Make Friends with Elliott
You can become Elliott's friend in minutes simply by flattering him. Very straightforwardly, go up to him and praise him. Admire his clothing, his car, his funny friends, nothing is too remote to give him a compliment on it. And don't worry about laying it on too thick. Even if he does blush or ask you to stop, underneath he is lapping up every syllable. Elliott is a friendly, outgoing sort who takes things at face value and doesn't suspect ulterior motives very often. Don't be surprised, though, if you find Elliott has about a thousand other friends who feel as you do about him. Elliott typically has a large number of friends whom he spends a lot of time calling and visiting.
How to Influence Elliott
Elliott is a highly sociable person, keenly sensitive to the going trends, and definitely interested in being popular and in the swing of things. He is most easily persuaded by someone he knows and likes. If you don't know him or particularly like him, it is crucial that you present yourself as at least similar in appearance and dress. People such as Elliott want to do what others around him are doing. They respond to a very energetic, stimulating approach. So phrases like "best selling" or "voted favorite" or "leading in the polls" are very important to their decision making. Similarly, choices that you are trying to guide him away from, should be subtly disparaged with words like "unpopular" and "disliked." You might also imply that the ideas are outmoded, passe or "discredited".
Ive been thinkin up some lyrics for bahnhof
heres what i got
We come to see
the terror within
We come with glee
for the sin
The day of the test
is more than knowledge
seperates us from the best
from the common pledge
Who do we seek
what do we want
We are the free spirts
We are society's left overs
seen as we are the dirt
with all the do gooders
how do we find the time
to accomplish what we need
The memory is all we get
No continuation
further and further into debt
with no satisfaction
of who we are
We have the words
We have the mind
All we got is whores
puttin us in a bind
Readers Note: Scoots left on his own terms to do some writing exploration on his own. Like the young "padawan" he once was, now he is starting to believe. Now he is becoming a "Jedi Master" on his own terms. We tip our hats in your direction Scoots. Also, He will still be writing on SAPS and Your (Adjective) Hero. Thank you Scoots, for playing your role in the greatness we have created-and for joining with me on The Goodnews Gorillas and SAPS.
I removed all my stuff, so im at my new spot...., i'll still come by here and all that bidness, but i think this will work the best for us, BTW that mind prober biddness is flippin sweet! here i'll show you my type on here....
What You See!
You will readily notice Elliott displaying his well-developed social skills. His manners and sense of social propriety far surpass those of most people. He knows exactly what to say to smooth out the most awkward moments and is adept at filling in those uncomfortable silences. He can easily blurt out thought-provoking questions that keep his conversation sparkling and his listeners on their toes. He instinctively knows how to use his razor-sharp wit to achieve just the right effect.
What You Don't See!
Elliott's private self mirrors his public image. Even when by himself, he primarily thinks about other people and how he might best relate to them. Although the persona he presents to the world can be business-like and serious, underneath he has a huge, tender, and lovingly egotistical heart. His need for affection rivals that of most children. But he is certainly one to enjoy life. Elliott would like to be surrounded by loving, attentive people, and he puts his best effort into this. When it comes to giving that love and attention to someone else, he may not be able to do it very well, and may become conflicted when told he isn't delivering.
Bubbling Under the Surface!
Elliott can't stand it when people don't like him and avoids any behavior that casts him in a negative light. He still remembers the humiliation of not being invited to an important party in grade school and is terrified of it happening again. He craves the feeling of being loved and accepted by those around him.
Special Attractions
He loves to be a member of social clubs. He tends to be active and influential, well-known for organizing parties, dinners, and meetings. He was the sort of teenager who dreamed of being elected King or Queen of his high school prom.
What Dr. Freud Has to Say About Elliott
Elliott uses repression to maintain his emotional balance. He unconsciously avoids thinking about anything that is painful. In this way, the unacceptable thought never even reaches the surface of his mind. It is automatically "stuffed" back into the unconscious. If asked, Elliott will truthfully deny that he is even aware of it.
Habits and Addictions
Look for Elliott at the center of every crowd. His ideal scenario is a big party, a cocktail in his hand, and at least two attentive listeners. In fact, Elliott is so stimulated by people that he has trouble just staying home with his family. No matter how recently he has returned home, he hears the siren song of the "outside world" calling to him. Elliott is most content when he is being amused by something outside him, especially other people. He is definitely not the type who seeks the meaning of life within himself in quiet surroundings.
Career Leanings
Elliott is at his best in an active, people-intensive setting. He is stimulated by a significant amount of activity going on at all times, and where repetitiveness in his day-to-day job is minimized. He loves to talk and talks well, so don't frustrate him with a silent environment. Employment fields that fit his personality include public relations, sales, acting, customer service and education. In fact, almost any job where he can have an audience is a good one for Elliott.
Hidden Desires
Tell Elliott "the Earth moved", and he'll be eating out of your hand. Whether it's true or false, he thrills to having his sexual prowess complimented. For all his sophisticated talk and charm, what he really wants is for his lover to turn the tables on him and do the chasing. Secretly he desires to be wooed, swept off his feet, and taken by storm.
How to Make Friends with Elliott
You can become Elliott's friend in minutes simply by flattering him. Very straightforwardly, go up to him and praise him. Admire his clothing, his car, his funny friends, nothing is too remote to give him a compliment on it. And don't worry about laying it on too thick. Even if he does blush or ask you to stop, underneath he is lapping up every syllable. Elliott is a friendly, outgoing sort who takes things at face value and doesn't suspect ulterior motives very often. Don't be surprised, though, if you find Elliott has about a thousand other friends who feel as you do about him. Elliott typically has a large number of friends whom he spends a lot of time calling and visiting.
How to Influence Elliott
Elliott is a highly sociable person, keenly sensitive to the going trends, and definitely interested in being popular and in the swing of things. He is most easily persuaded by someone he knows and likes. If you don't know him or particularly like him, it is crucial that you present yourself as at least similar in appearance and dress. People such as Elliott want to do what others around him are doing. They respond to a very energetic, stimulating approach. So phrases like "best selling" or "voted favorite" or "leading in the polls" are very important to their decision making. Similarly, choices that you are trying to guide him away from, should be subtly disparaged with words like "unpopular" and "disliked." You might also imply that the ideas are outmoded, passe or "discredited".
Ive been thinkin up some lyrics for bahnhof
heres what i got
We come to see
the terror within
We come with glee
for the sin
The day of the test
is more than knowledge
seperates us from the best
from the common pledge
Who do we seek
what do we want
We are the free spirts
We are society's left overs
seen as we are the dirt
with all the do gooders
how do we find the time
to accomplish what we need
The memory is all we get
No continuation
further and further into debt
with no satisfaction
of who we are
We have the words
We have the mind
All we got is whores
puttin us in a bind
Readers Note: Scoots left on his own terms to do some writing exploration on his own. Like the young "padawan" he once was, now he is starting to believe. Now he is becoming a "Jedi Master" on his own terms. We tip our hats in your direction Scoots. Also, He will still be writing on SAPS and Your (Adjective) Hero. Thank you Scoots, for playing your role in the greatness we have created-and for joining with me on The Goodnews Gorillas and SAPS.
Thursday, April 27, 2006
Tuesday, April 25, 2006
Fear in the soul that cries when confronted with problems
Running from my fears
I run like Im a dear
Clashin with old friends
My Greatest fear has began
Theres crying in my soul
My friends have become my foes
Peace is all I seek
But war makes it so bleak
Hope that it will change
False hope makes it the same
Look into my eyes
They do not tell you lies
When I try to confront
You hate it when Im blunt
I try to come to you
But nothings all you do
When you have problems
You think that I have caused them
Making people choose
For things that they dont want to
I run like Im a dear
Clashin with old friends
My Greatest fear has began
Theres crying in my soul
My friends have become my foes
Peace is all I seek
But war makes it so bleak
Hope that it will change
False hope makes it the same
Look into my eyes
They do not tell you lies
When I try to confront
You hate it when Im blunt
I try to come to you
But nothings all you do
When you have problems
You think that I have caused them
Making people choose
For things that they dont want to
Wednesday, April 19, 2006
War Peace
Hello there
The angel from my nightmare
The one holding up the gun to my face
I hope that you will kill me
and drag my soul from this wretchid place
I hope the pain dont get you
Like it did when I saw it face to face
I hope you are a survivor who's seen this shitty place
Must I cry when I die
will you wipe the tears from my face of sorrow
that was borrowed from my pain
I bow in your honor I will not even bother to fight back no more
This is not my war this my peace
The angel from my nightmare
The one holding up the gun to my face
I hope that you will kill me
and drag my soul from this wretchid place
I hope the pain dont get you
Like it did when I saw it face to face
I hope you are a survivor who's seen this shitty place
Must I cry when I die
will you wipe the tears from my face of sorrow
that was borrowed from my pain
I bow in your honor I will not even bother to fight back no more
This is not my war this my peace
Thursday, April 13, 2006
Piss Rant
I want to make things clear for all who read this and feel they know me. You did not make me "deep" nor can anyone take credit for it. One person may take credit for it, but hes in another country. My brother got me smoking, no one else did.
You are not smarter than I nor am I smarter then you
My musical tastes suck compared to yours, as do yours compared to mine.
I hate it when people text others who are in the same room:especially in my house, to me thats disrespect to me and the others that are there. If you cant say it in front of us then dont say it at all. The rest can only assume that it's dirt on one of us.
This pretains to all even me: If you say your gonna get something and never come back-thats disrespectful. Be truthful say your gonna go. If you have something against me, tell me.
Dont smile when your angry. Pretending its all right only hurts more for both of us. Yes I like philisophical talking, no my views are not better than yours, no your views are not better than mine. At least hear me out and think of what I say.
Do not take my advice, use it, and then say I told you to do so. Its ADVICE. Be sure to take what I say as advice and evaluate it and use or not for the better of the group and yourself. Its disrespectful to me if you "take with a grain of salt".
If you dont want me around, tell me. Dont fuck around, just say it.
I know I have done the same things as stated before, but this is not about me. Do not attack me rather attack the issue.
You are not smarter than I nor am I smarter then you
My musical tastes suck compared to yours, as do yours compared to mine.
I hate it when people text others who are in the same room:especially in my house, to me thats disrespect to me and the others that are there. If you cant say it in front of us then dont say it at all. The rest can only assume that it's dirt on one of us.
This pretains to all even me: If you say your gonna get something and never come back-thats disrespectful. Be truthful say your gonna go. If you have something against me, tell me.
Dont smile when your angry. Pretending its all right only hurts more for both of us. Yes I like philisophical talking, no my views are not better than yours, no your views are not better than mine. At least hear me out and think of what I say.
Do not take my advice, use it, and then say I told you to do so. Its ADVICE. Be sure to take what I say as advice and evaluate it and use or not for the better of the group and yourself. Its disrespectful to me if you "take with a grain of salt".
If you dont want me around, tell me. Dont fuck around, just say it.
I know I have done the same things as stated before, but this is not about me. Do not attack me rather attack the issue.
I would like to say something that happened today. I arrived at my job as a Psych Lab assistant at 10:30 am. At about 10 minutes to 11 my Psych Lab co-worker read that a friend of hers had possibly just passed away. A few seconds before she said it and while she was saying it, the lights in the room started to flicker. The lights were goin nonstop crazy flicker. So I said "You guys seein the lights flicker?" and the response was "No you must be seeing shit." So I sent a message to a good friend of mine saying "Oh my fucking God".
Wednesday, April 12, 2006
Watch your step(random rants on things)
You never know the direction your life will go. One day your getting confirmed at church, the next day your roommates calling up his other buddies to bring some guns so they can go have "a lil" talk with the guy who badmouthed your roommate during a pick up basketball game.
To me life is not a road filled wth obstacles. It's a road were your bouncing from side to side like a drunk driver trying to stay between the lines. You will never have complete control over your life, why? Because life is like dice. You control how you shake it up, but you dont control the roll.
No product can say it is fun. Video Games, board games,writing, books, comics, porn, etc. are not fun. Nothing that is a material is fun. What makes them seem fun is you. You make fun. You put enjoyment and fun into each thing you 'enjoy'.
If your a believer in eternal life than in essence you also believe that there is no death. Do not grieve for the dead. The dead in eternal life have no pain, they are free of the daily things that bring us down. There is no death, rather just another birth. Be happy for the dead. At funerals, smile and dance and celebrate their death.
One day your mother is caring for you as and child telling you everything is great, the next she's locked in prison and titled a felon based on her crime. You can choose the path of shunning your mother or you can seek a greater path. Try to understand others before you understand yourself. Remember to do as the FEZ always sung" your step".
To me life is not a road filled wth obstacles. It's a road were your bouncing from side to side like a drunk driver trying to stay between the lines. You will never have complete control over your life, why? Because life is like dice. You control how you shake it up, but you dont control the roll.
No product can say it is fun. Video Games, board games,writing, books, comics, porn, etc. are not fun. Nothing that is a material is fun. What makes them seem fun is you. You make fun. You put enjoyment and fun into each thing you 'enjoy'.
If your a believer in eternal life than in essence you also believe that there is no death. Do not grieve for the dead. The dead in eternal life have no pain, they are free of the daily things that bring us down. There is no death, rather just another birth. Be happy for the dead. At funerals, smile and dance and celebrate their death.
One day your mother is caring for you as and child telling you everything is great, the next she's locked in prison and titled a felon based on her crime. You can choose the path of shunning your mother or you can seek a greater path. Try to understand others before you understand yourself. Remember to do as the FEZ always sung" your step".
Monday, April 10, 2006
Wednesday, April 05, 2006
My S.A.P.S Collection
All posts(posted today 4/5/06) that require you to click the title are all part of my collection of my favorite posts that I wrote on S.A.P.S.
Click Title to read story and comments
This is possible my favorite post that I have wrote. Its my classic and it deserves to be pulled from the depths to be re-read again because their is meaning that others can find now.
This is possible my favorite post that I have wrote. Its my classic and it deserves to be pulled from the depths to be re-read again because their is meaning that others can find now.
This is a classic for which i wrote(at least i think its classic) Click the title to read it and please comment.
Tuesday, April 04, 2006
Monday, April 03, 2006
I(this is Scoots post)
I felt this post, for reasons of my own, deserves more publicity and more 'exposure'. Good job Scoots, Good job indeed.
The Problem
If I must charge the machine gun nest with only a knife, I will. But let me remind you-the knife in your forehead belongs to me.
If you are looking for destiny, look no further then your feet. For they are what walks you to your goal and carries you on your path.
Wednesday, March 29, 2006
False Promise
You are led to believe the false truths that you are beautiful-When only you are as ugly as your shit.
Tuesday, March 28, 2006
I must hold on, If I let go-I fall too
Everyday of your childhood life you take for granted. You never know what its like to lose your loved one till you wake up to her/him screaming when they come to take her/him away. You knew it was going to happen. For the past month and a half thats all you have been talking about. Everyday you talk about what is going to happen or what could happen and how you'll handle it. When the moment comes, no matter how prepared you think you are, you are as unprepared as when you first came upon the issue. You feel like your a limbless man with your mouth duct taped while your chained to a tree forced to watch your loved one dangle on a cliff edge. You feel so helpless but so willing to help. As information comes to you at hand about this persons faults and mistakes, you begin to question your stance with them. Trust,love and passion have to be looked at again from a new angle. Others connected to the loved one begin to make their choices as they too are thrown into the mix. You can only delay, with the idea you will know more. You remain strong on the outside, while inside your soul cries and you crumble at anything that was once connected to the loved one. Around you things start to crumble-frienships, family-they all start to fall like the roman empire. This earthquake of you life. You run from these callopsing buildings with fear that you will be toppled. When running you find a building,a friend, who needs your guidance and support. You go to him/her and do what you can so the building that connects to the rest doesnt crumble before you. Inside, your empire has crumbled. When all is said and done you dont go back to pick up the pieces. Others start to point fingers at you-like you caused this earthquake. It seems to not bother you. Still you walk away from the rubble, the mess of your life, to a high point to reflect on things. The friend for which you help, returns the favor. You decide to go back to the rubble and you start picking up the mess. Others see this and start joining in. You look at the mess and finally you become stronger than you have ever felt. You must hold on for if you let go-you fall too.
Thursday, March 23, 2006
Something to
Grab the gun(Run!) It's another way to die
People running(Gun!) Never asking why
Tear Drops fall(Pain!) Blood drips and all
God can you hear me?(no no no no) God do you fear me?OOOOhhhhhh!!!
God is that pain in your eyes? Are we the human sacrifice?
People running(Gun!) Never asking why
Tear Drops fall(Pain!) Blood drips and all
God can you hear me?(no no no no) God do you fear me?OOOOhhhhhh!!!
God is that pain in your eyes? Are we the human sacrifice?
Gods hitman-----what should v.2 be?
I got ammo in my uzi clip and fire in my eye
I got will, I got no heart, and I'm willing to go and die
I'm a christian on a mission, to kill those who'd kill me first
Cuz I aint gonna buy this pain instead i'm selling hurt!
Dont fuck with me --Im gonna fuck with you(god's hitman)
This will be the last time that you live!
Four bullets to you chest and one to your head(god's hitman)
I'm God's hitman and I am gonna shoot you dead
God's got me here and he wants you to be dead(god's hitman)
I got will, I got no heart, and I'm willing to go and die
I'm a christian on a mission, to kill those who'd kill me first
Cuz I aint gonna buy this pain instead i'm selling hurt!
Dont fuck with me --Im gonna fuck with you(god's hitman)
This will be the last time that you live!
Four bullets to you chest and one to your head(god's hitman)
I'm God's hitman and I am gonna shoot you dead
God's got me here and he wants you to be dead(god's hitman)
Monkey butts and cigarettes are all that we have left.
Ashes fly in the wind of the life that we once lived.
Our cries are nothing but tears and moisture of the eyes.
At one point in time there happened to be the things we called our lives.
For in this dream, we so seek sought.
Our nightmares are all but real.
We fight the demons we have found with only our little knife.
And the pain seems so ever real.
The smoke fills the rooms
The smoke engulfs your lungs. 2 puffs away and the high is all but gone.
The room starts to morph
The colors all do change.
Your mother walks in
Your hands change
The voices dont go away
The are all here to stay
Our dreams we wish were real
Our lives we hope to be a dream
We can only wake from one
Ashes fly in the wind of the life that we once lived.
Our cries are nothing but tears and moisture of the eyes.
At one point in time there happened to be the things we called our lives.
For in this dream, we so seek sought.
Our nightmares are all but real.
We fight the demons we have found with only our little knife.
And the pain seems so ever real.
The smoke fills the rooms
The smoke engulfs your lungs. 2 puffs away and the high is all but gone.
The room starts to morph
The colors all do change.
Your mother walks in
Your hands change
The voices dont go away
The are all here to stay
Our dreams we wish were real
Our lives we hope to be a dream
We can only wake from one
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